November 28, 2018
We might have made good time from Hearst Castle, reaching the south bay area around 5:30...
...But we didn't make it to our motel in Fairfield until 9:30!
Amazing how quick we forget what California traffic is like, and then how fast we remember when we arrive.
November 29, 2018
It was miserable outside come morning! Even being prepared for rain and cold didn't make it any better. As we waited for the sale to start, it began raining buckets. The only thing missing was the lightning and thunder!
Usually, opening day is fun! The chit-chat, the drawings, always some humor. The rained surely drowned it out this year! The sale was okay. I didn't buy but a few things we needed. There wasn't much new stuff, a lot of what was there last year. Once we grabbed what we needed, we were out the door and on our way to breakfast by 9AM!
The drive up to the mountain wasn't as bad as we thought it would be. The rain had died down some leaving behind fresh, and bright colors of what was left of Fall.
By the time we checked into our hotel the rain had stopped.
Our room was on the waterfront, so I stepped out to snap a picture and was greeted with a rainbow...
We went for a drive, and it was like the rainbow was following us!
As we circled around, it looked as if we were going to see the end of it...
This is the closest I have ever gotten to a rainbow!
November 30, 2018
After a wonderful lunch with our friends, we headed down to the valley. By the time we arrived the sun was setting. Went to dinner with his brother, and checked out some Christmas light, and called it a day.
December 1, 2018
The day began with a shopping excursion with my sister-in-law and sister. Lunch at Red Robin and a surprise visitor, my niece from Grass Valley. She drove down just to see me. I wish I had known sooner so we could have spent more time together, but the time we had was precious and very pleasant. We had dinner with my family for my brothers birthday. It was a blast!
One of my favorite parts will be a memory forever. After we all had sat down, and I think it was after ordering, a drink arrived for my brother. No one knew where it came from and figuring it out became comical. Then another drink came for his son. I told the waiter if someone is giving away drinks, I'll take a rum and coke. Imagine how surprised we all were when it arrived! At one point, I swore the back of a woman on at the bar resembled his older daughter. It might not have been her, but it was her, her hubby, my other niece, and her hubby, tucked back on the side of the bar, out of our view. They had a great time playing a joke on us oldies, but goodies. What a fun night it was!
After dinner, hubby had a surprise for me...
He knows me so well!
He and his brother found it earlier in the day while I was with the sisters. What a beautiful display in remembrance of their parents. There was a sign at the front honoring them. So beautiful.

I found it at a little boutique in town called Dandy Home & Ranch.
December 2, 2018
Time to head home, but first breakfast with my other bestie! We've been friends since 1964. She's an excellent cook, gardener, mother, grandmother, and friend! She's the one who came all the down to help me when I broke my shoulder. She is like a sister. I love her dearly.
One more adventure ends. The conversations, the laughs, the family and friends we share our time, created another one that will always be remembered.
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